Sunrise with the Wildlife at Deception Pass State Park

Story + Photography by Sara Montour Lewis

This was one of those perfect days where I had absolutely no expectations and the morning just unfolded in a way that never could have been planned.

I woke up really early, so I decided to pack up, jump in the car and head to Deception Pass for sunrise. As I was driving around Cranberry Lake the first thing I saw in the distance was a family of river otters. I watched the sunrise with them while drinking my coffee and when I was finally more awake I walked over to the beach where the ducks and shorebirds were searching for food and the loons were feasting on crabs.


Sara Montour Lewis

Sara is a photographer and is the founder of Our Wild Puget Sound. If she isn't busy working behind the camera you'll inevitably find her kayaking on the Sound, checking for chicken eggs in her backyard, or exploring the vast expanse of the Puget Sound Watershed tracking down the details for our next story.

Connect with her online: Website — Instagram — Twitter


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